Backyard Habitat Mural Seminole County
2023 Mural
This fresco is my gratitude to Seminole county, my teachers and group mates under the program Master Gardener
As far as I remember, I always loved plants.

My big dream is to create my own artist’s garden. Last year I made the first step to that dream. I attended the Master Gardener extension program. For 2.5 months I studied how to create a Florida friendly garden.

I passed a final exam with 98.5 points out of 100 and was very excited about my next ideas. But right after that my home country Ukraine got into war. It took me a lot of time to learn to live again.

This mural is my appreciation to Seminole county, my teachers and group mates.

We discussed the idea with program manager Caydie McCormick. She told me her wishes. I added some of my ideas.

I painted the garden of my dreams. When I see flowers being revealed under my brush it feels like magic.

My secret garden came true.
Natasha Callahan